Try not to invest in people who don’t merit it. Don’t protect yourself from those who hurt you. Don’t strive to make the person who made you cry happy.
Don’t try to hold onto something that’s not good for you. In some relationships, you feel alone, you cry, and that seems to be your only solace. You might need to ask yourself if it’s worth it to suffer for someone you love.
However, the person who doesn’t care about hurting you won’t change until they face consequences. When someone who truly loves and values you enters your life, you’ll realize the pain you endured wasn’t worth it.
If someone doesn’t show affection, doesn’t care to understand you, or doesn’t appreciate you, the more you value them, the more they’ll believe their love isn’t worth the effort.
You will feel more sorrow for not giving your love to someone who truly deserves it than for investing in someone who doesn’t appreciate you. So, don’t waste tears or emotions on the unworthy. Leave space for those who are worthy. Let go of love and feelings for those who don’t value you.
People change faster than ever before. Being together for a long time doesn’t guarantee change or growth. I came to realize that I wasn’t in the right mindset. In these changes, one side is bound to collapse.
Someone who is more in love or desperate to possess will inevitably fall. You get hurt because you can’t handle the loss. It drives you crazy to think they’re gone.
Thanks for reading! See you next time! Bye for now!
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